Embracing a Daily Rhythm: Emancipating Yourself from the Shackles of Routine (part 1)

Michael W Gusky II
8 min readJun 9, 2023
Photo by Matthijs Smit on Unsplash

In the past when I would try to explain the importance of a daily routine I would always get met with this immediate frown and aversion due to a perception of monotony and inflexibility that comes with following a strict routine.

I myself have this same aversion. The idea of repeating the same activities day after day can be daunting and make life feel stagnant. However, there is an alternative approach that offers the benefits of structure without the constraints of rigidity: building a daily rhythm.

Unlike a routine, which often adheres to strict time slots and fixed sequences of activities, a daily rhythm focuses on the flow and intention behind our actions. It recognizes that our energy levels, priorities, and interests fluctuate throughout the day, and encourages us to embrace these natural variations to create a more fulfilling and flexible lifestyle.

By adopting a daily rhythm, we can find a balance between structure and spontaneity, allowing us to adapt to changing circumstances and fully engage with each moment. It’s a holistic approach that empowers us to make mindful decisions about how we spend our time, aligning our activities with our values and goals.

So let’s embark on this journey of discovering a new way to approach our daily lives — one that allows us to break free from the unforgiving rigidity of routines and instead embrace the beauty and flexibility of a daily rhythm.

“My Daily Routine Is To Make Every Day The Best Day” ~David Wolfe

Flow With Your Natural Rhythm

I love checking the boxes as complete. I have at times gone as far as adding a task to my to-do list that I just completed so that I can check the box. It can be a bit of sickness that leads to spending too much time on easier unimportant tasks rather than the bigger impactful tasks and projects.

Does this sound familiar:

  • 7:00 am: Wake Up (way too late for me)
  • 7:15 am: Make the Bed (maybe)
  • 7:30 am: Brush your Teeth (please do yuk mouth)
  • 7:45 am: Get Dressed (or don’t)
  • 8:00 am: Make Coffee (absolutely!)
  • 8:15 am: Check Email (bad idea first thing in the day)
  • 9:00 am: Check Social Media (bad idea any time of the day)
  • 10:00 am: Etc. (crap, where the hell did the last 3 hours go!?!?)

It is this “sickness” that creates the rote routine rather than the flow of a productive rhythm.

Instead of focusing solely on the clock and rote tasks, a daily rhythm encourages us to tune into our internal cues and adapt our activities accordingly.

It acknowledges that we have times when our energy is high, and we are most productive and focused, as well as moments when we need rest, reflection, or rejuvenation.

By paying attention to the flow of our day and aligning our activities with our energy levels, a daily rhythm allows for greater flexibility and spontaneity.

It invites us to be more present and responsive to our needs, helping us make conscious decisions about how we spend our time.

Furthermore, a daily rhythm emphasizes the intention behind our activities. It encourages us to consider the purpose and meaning of each task, rather than mindlessly going through the motions.

This intentional approach helps us cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment in our daily lives, as we prioritize activities that align with our values and aspirations.

However, unless you are completely self-employed and a hermit in a cave — you are going to have to schedule some activities based on specific times. When your actions are dependent on or impact others there is a need to plan times so that those others can have a flow to their day as well.

There is nothing worse than that person who is always late or doesn’t show at all claiming “they just don’t work well with schedules.” Fine, that’s fair but don’t expect us to wait around for you. We are busy flowing as planned.

A rhythm has a flow. In that flow is planned INTENT.

Freedom Of A Rhythm

One of the liberating aspects of building a daily rhythm is the freedom it provides to respond to unexpected events and seize spontaneous opportunities.

Unlike a rigid routine, which may leave little room for deviation, a daily rhythm acknowledges that life is full of surprises and offers the flexibility to adapt and embrace them.

When we adhere too strictly to a routine, unexpected events can disrupt our plans and leave us feeling frustrated or overwhelmed.

However, with a daily rhythm, we are more prepared to handle these surprises. By cultivating a mindset of adaptability and openness, we can easily adjust our activities and make room for unexpected circumstances without feeling thrown off course.

Moreover, a daily rhythm empowers us to seize spontaneous opportunities that arise throughout the day. It allows us to listen to our intuition and follow our instincts when something unexpected and exciting comes our way.

Whether it’s a chance to meet up with a friend, explore a new hobby, or take a spontaneous walk in nature, a daily rhythm ensures that we have the freedom to say “yes” to these impromptu experiences.

Again, however, not at the expense of disrupting someone else’s flow and plans that you have made commitments to.

By embracing the flow and intention behind our activities, we can strike a balance between structure and spontaneity. We can build a rhythm that accommodates unexpected events and allows us to capitalize on spontaneous opportunities, rather than feeling restricted by a rigid routine.

In doing so, we open ourselves up to new experiences, connections, and personal growth. We become more attuned to the richness of life, ready to embrace the unexpected with enthusiasm and seize the moments that bring us joy, fulfillment, and a sense of adventure.

It is a balance. Stay flexible in your own rhythm while being conscious and considerate of others that are counting on you.

“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.”

~Tony Robbins

Know Your Chronotype

One fascinating aspect of building a daily rhythm is the recognition that each individual has their own unique internal clock, known as a “chronotype.”

Chronotypes are genetically determined and influence our natural patterns of wakefulness, sleepiness, and productivity throughout the day.

Understanding your chronotype can be a game-changer when it comes to optimizing productivity. There are generally three main chronotypes:

  1. Morning Larks: Morning larks are early risers who tend to feel most alert and productive during the early hours of the day. They typically have a preference for tackling complex tasks and making important decisions in the morning. (I am one of these annoying early birds.)
  2. Night Owls: Night owls, on the other hand, thrive during the later hours of the day. They tend to experience a surge in energy and focus during the evening and nighttime. Night owls often find that their creativity and productivity peak during these hours.
  3. Intermediate Chronotypes: Some individuals fall in between the extreme ends of the morning lark and night owl spectrum. They experience a more balanced energy distribution throughout the day, with productivity levels that may vary but don’t heavily favor one specific time.

By identifying your chronotype, you can align your activities with your natural energy patterns. This self-awareness allows you to schedule tasks that require high concentration and focus during your peak productivity periods.

For example, morning larks may choose to tackle challenging work early in the day when their minds are fresh, while night owls may reserve this time for creative projects that require out-of-the-box thinking.

Additionally, understanding your chronotype helps you recognize when you may experience a dip in energy or concentration. During these periods, it can be beneficial to schedule lighter tasks or engage in activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation.

By leveraging your personal rhythm, you can optimize your productivity and ensure that you’re working in harmony with your body’s natural tendencies.

It’s important to note that while chronotypes provide general guidelines, everyone is unique, and individual variations exist. Some individuals may find that their energy patterns shift over time or can be influenced by external factors, such as lifestyle or work demands.

The key is to remain flexible and continually assess your energy levels and productivity throughout the day.

By harnessing the power of your chronotype and tailoring your daily rhythm accordingly, you can tap into your natural energy cycles and optimize your productivity.

This understanding allows you to work smarter, not harder, and make the most of your time and efforts, ultimately leading to greater efficiency and a more fulfilling work-life balance.

“It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?”

~Henry David Thoreau

Let’s Pause Here With Intent and Flexibility

Now, before we dive deeper into the captivating world of building a daily rhythm, let’s pause for a moment and acknowledge that even the most dedicated readers have their limits when it comes to time and attention span.

I understand that life is delightful chaos, and a daily rhythm should be flexible enough to accommodate that.

So, in the spirit of honoring your valuable time and keeping you engaged, I’ve decided to break this subject into multiple parts. Think of it as the perfect bite-sized servings of learning, delivered with just the right amount of wit and insight.

In this first part, we’ve already started on a journey of discovery, exploring the differences between routines and daily rhythms.

We’ve touched upon the benefits of embracing a daily rhythm and even uncovered the secret behind your chronotype, that fascinating internal clock of yours.

But fret not! The adventure doesn’t end here. We’re just getting started.

In the upcoming parts of this series, we’ll unveil practical steps for building your own daily rhythm, nurturing it to unlock your full potential, and living a purpose-driven life that will make even the most organized routines green with envy.

So, hold on to your hats (or whatever headgear suits your fancy), because we’re about to embark on a thrilling, laughter-filled, and insightful journey together. Keep those eyes peeled for the next installment where we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty details of crafting your personalized daily rhythm.

Stay tuned, subscribe, and prepare yourself for an adventure that will leave you inspired, motivated, and begging for more.

Let’s continue this captivating exploration of daily rhythms and create a life that dances to the beat of our own unique rhythms.

Until next time. Wishing you Joy in your Journey,


P.S. — You can now find Part 2 HERE.



Michael W Gusky II

I share tips and tricks to find balance and subsequently JOY in this journey called life. Start Joysetting here: https://bit.ly/3LnfpJ5